torsdag 26 april 2012

Wardrobe essentials

I’ve decided to do a series of posts about wardrobe essentials. The essentials I’m going to present here later are the ones that I consider important, so I might leave out things you’d consider essential, and mention things that you find irrelevant. These are however going to be those that work well for me. 

It’s actually hard to build up a good wardrobe. Even though you buy only beautiful things you love to wear, it might be difficult to create an outfit of them, every single morning. Obviously most of us do not work with fashion, and can’t wear anything and everything at the same time. So mixing interesting pieces into your daily style may be a challenge. Thus you need wardrobe essentials: Things that work as a skeleton, if you will, holding everything else (all the trend pieces and interesting stuff) together. 

I’m really not extreme in my way of dressing and I do skip a lot of trends, not because they are trends but because I simply don’t like them or I won’t be able to use them regularly. Other trends I fall for. Hard. And I won’t stop using them no matter how last season(s) they are. But I’m getting beside the point here. To be able to enjoy trends, you need wardrobe essentials. But beware! Wardrobe essentials are also influenced by trends, so when shopping or evaluating these, be sure to think about whether they are classic enough, whether you’ll be able to use them ‘til they fall apart. Also, be extra careful about the material and the fit.  
I'm going to post the first wardrobe essential here soon! 

Pictures are from an IRO campaign

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